Genies' Jottings

and lists
and more lists


From: The Sydney Morning Herald, Friday 3rd January 1873

Deceased:Relatives etc.:Buried:
Mr James Whitty
Little Gipps St.
Surry Hills
Mr Thomas Whitty, son
Mr Patrick Whitty, son
Mr H. Hanna, son-in-law
J. & G. Shying & Co.
2.30 pm Friday
The Necropolis
Mrs Margaret Lecky
203 Crown St.
Late Mr James Lecky, husband
Mr William H. Clark, son-in-law
C. Kinsela & Sons, undertakers
3.30 pm Friday
The Wesleyan Cemetary
Devonshire St.
Mrs Bridget Downie
37 Charles St.
Hyde Park
Mr William Downie, husband
Mr James Hinchy, son-in-law
Mr William Muir Jun, son-in-law
T. Dixon, undertaker
2.30 pm Friday
The Catholic Cemetary
Mr Edward Field
312 Brougham St.
Mr Thomas Field, brother
T. Dixon, undertaker
2.30 pm Saturday
Balmain Cemetary
Mr William Hopkins
Bourke St.
C. Kinsela & Sons, undertakers2.15 pm Friday
The Necropolis
Lydia J. Curby
Derwent St.
Mr Francis J. Curby, father
C. Kinsela & Sons, undertakers
8.45 am Friday
Balmain Cemetary
Mr James Graham
ginger beer brewer
80 Abercrombie St.
J. & G. Shying & Co.
James Clough, N.G.,
Isaiah Mutton, Secretary, and
the Officers & Brethren of the
Loyal Fountain of Refuge Lodge
8.30 am Saturday
The Necropolis
Halcyon Mary Spears
10 Aston Terrace
Collins St.
Surry Hills
Mr Henry Phillips, father
C. Kinsela & Sons, undertakers
2.30 pm Friday
The Necropolis
Every care possible has been taken with these records but, as usual, remember to check original sources of **everything** for yourself.

Transcribed: March 2001 by Elizabeth Lopez, Sydney, Australia


March, 2001